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【Self-taught English Day 10 of the English dairy"Japan is hot"】 Hello! Thank you for visiting my English diary. Today, I would like to talk about how hot it is in Japan. July 30th, it's early and it's last day of July. Children are on ... -
【English Diary Day 9 "It's hard to update SNS"】 Hello! I'm Kobayashi. English Diary Day 9 The theme this time is "It's hard to update SNS" I'm going to talk about the theme. I update SNS at work. It is very difficult to update SNS ever... -
【English Diary Day 8】 Hello! My name is Kobayashi. Today we will talk about drones. I recently purchased a drone. I want to fly my drone and get some great footage, but I can't fly my drone. Drones are very regulated. Thoroughly implem... -
【English Diary Day7】 Hello. I'm Kobayashi. Today, I will talk about the day I went to wash my Harley. I like motorcycles and I ride a Harley. The bike is stored in a warehouse, but this time I went to wash it. I washed my bike in the h... -
English Diary Day5「Post video on YouTube」
【English diary 5th day】 Recently, I've been posting videos of sightseeing in English on Youtube. If you are interested, please click here. https://youtu.be/1wWkx0Fxww0 English pronunciation is difficult. I'm Japanese, so it doesn't mat... -
English Diary Day 4
【Audible is great】 Let me introduce you to my recent favorite,"Audible"! I love reading books because they offer new perspectives and insights from amazing people that I wouldn't otherwise encounter. However, reading often makes me fee... -
いつもブログをご覧いただき、ありがとうございます! 今日は英語日記3日目です! 今日は、Q&A形式で10問質問に答えていこうと思います! それでは、早速やっていきます! 【英語自己紹介Q&A】 Q1.お名前はなんと言いますか? 僕の名前は小林優希... -
Changing Lives withe an English Diary:Arai Rio
Hello! Today,I'll continue with my English diary! I write an English journal every day and I want you to correct it in this lesson if it's natural or not. So could you do that for me please? 【English Diary Day2】 Thank you for your supp... -
2023年8/19僕は英語日記を始めます。 https://youtu.be/u964fWrhDYI 初心者ですが、お手柔らかにお願いします。 世界中にお友達を作りたいです! I'm a beginner, so please go easy on me. I want to make friends all over the world! 【決意表明】 初め... -
はい。どうも小林です。皆さんは暗号資産と聞いてどう思いますか?怪しい?騙される。お金が稼げる。 いろいろな意見があると思います。たしかに、人間は知らないものは怖い、怪しいと感じる生き物です。 人間は自分が知らないものは、全て怪しい、怖いと...